Sermon Library

Here we present a collection of sermons and reflections from the Ministers, visiting preachers, and our own Lay-led team as they bring God’s word to enthuse and inspire us. You can play them straight from this page, or click the 3 dots to download and listen later!

2024 05 26 In the last of our series of reflections from the lay-led team entitled “Heroes & Heroines of Faith”, Tony Knight reflects on his Hero, Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
2024 05 19 Irene Hayes. Service for Pentecost: “New beginnings”
2024 05 12 Rev. Dr. Simon Topping. Holy Communion. The Ascension. How did Jesus distribute His authority?
2024 03 31 Rev. Katy Thomas, Chaplain of Kingswood School, brings her Easter message, with Holy Communion
2024 03 24 Michael Rumsey’s Hero of faith is his great great great great grandfather: David Saunders, “The Pious Shepherd of Salisbury Plain” In his fascinating reflection we hear all about David, born in 1726!
2024 03 17 Cathy Edge inspires us with her service entitled “A New Creation”
2024 03 10 Rev. Simon Topping’s Mothering Sunday reflection and Communion Service
2024 02 25 Teresa Merriman continues our new Lay-led series of reflections on “Heroes and Heroines of faith” with her reflection on John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.
2024 02 18 Rev. Simon Topping baptises Joy Restall, and welcomes Carole Parsons into membership! The first adult baptism at BMC in over 30 years! Praise the Lord! With a service of Holy Communion afterwards.
2024 02 11 Rev. Jan Tate brings us her words of wisdom on the subject of Transfiguration.
2024 01 28 Bronwyn Phillips starts our new lay-led series of reflections entitled “Heroes and heroines of faith” with her hero Rev. John Flynn, the founder of the Flying Doctor Australian Inland Mission Aerial Medical Service (later to be renamed the Royal Flying Doctor Service)
2024 01 21 Mike Evans gives us his refection on “Following Jesus”
2024 01 14 Rev. Simon Topping leads our annual Covenant service with Holy Communion, and a birthday is celebrated…
2023 12 25 Rev. Simon Topping brings us the Christmas Message in this shorter Christmas morning service.
2023 12 17 Our Carol Service, with readings from members of the congregation and a short thought on the Wise Men from Michael Rumsey.
2023 12 10 Rev. Greg Haynes, with Holy Communion. “Looking for the whole picture of God”
2023 11 26 The lay-led service for November sees Tony Knight giving his reflection on “I AM” and the personal name of God.
2023 11 19 Rev. Simon Topping “The Parable of the Talents” with Holy Communion
2023 11 05 Rev. David Musgrave. “Beware double standards”
2023 10 22 The Lay-led service for October features Teresa Merriman talking about the “Johari Window” and how we should concentrate on “Just One Thing!”
2023 10 15 Rev. Dr. Simon Topping. Violence only begets violence. To fully appreciate Simon’s sermon, first read Exodus 321-14 and Matthew 22: 1-10 (omitted from the recording!)
2023 10 08 Our anniversary service celebrating 189 years of Box Methodist, Led by Rev. Craig Manley, assisted by Rev. Matt Stone from St. Thomas’s
2023 06 18 Rev. Jan Tate. During this month we have been encouraged to study the book of Revelation. Jan gives us an excellent sermon, explaining the significance of all the numbers encountered in the book, and why Revelations is still relevant today!
2023 05 28 The Lay-led service for May sees Tony Knight give his reflection on the last in the series looking at questions that Jesus asked: “Have you believed because you have seen me?” (doubting Thomas)
2023 05 21 Ian Withers on Aldersgate Sunday: “Be right, be ready”
2023 05 14 Rev. Ian Souter’s Sunday Service with Holy Communion
2023 04 23 The Lay-led service for April sees Teresa Merriman give us her reflection on Jesus’ question “What is your name?” (the man filled with demons)
2023 04 09 Easter Sunday Service with Holy Communion, led by our own Minister, Rev. Dr. Simon Topping.
2023 03 26 The lay-led service for March sees Bronwyn Phillips give us her reflection on Jesus’ question: “Are you asleep?” (in the garden of Gethsemane)
2023 03 19 Steve Beck, on Mothering Sunday, reflects on God as Mother.
2023 03 12 Our own Minister Rev. Dr. Simon Topping leads us in a service of Holy Communion. In his sermon on the woman at the well, Simon explores the topic of “Need” – Our need for God, and His need for us!
2023 02 26 Helen Cain’s Lay-led reflection on Jesus’ question: “But who do you say I am?”
2023 02 19 Our own Minister Rev. Dr. Simon Topping leads us in a service of Holy Communion. His fascinating sermon, in the context of the Transfiguration, considers the different ways that we might encounter God’s presence.
2023 02 12 Pat Heynes leads us in a service themed: “It’s me standing in need of prayer”
2023 01 22 Tony Knight’s Lay-led reflection commencing a series on “Questions Jesus asked”: Today it’s “What do you want me to do for you?” (blind Bartimaus)
2023 01 15 Rev. Jan Tate leads us in our annual Covenant Service with Holy Communion.
2022 12 04 Helen Cain’s Lay-led reflection on the theme of “Hunger”
2022 11 20 Rev. John Hayes. A reflection on “Perspective”, with Holy Communion and a special presentation at the end to Michael Rumsey, on entering his 60th year of playing the organ in Box.
2022 10 23 Our lay-led service, with Helen Cain giving her reflection on “Being Called”
2022 10 16 Margaret West. Jesus was there for there for us then, and still is now. Are we there for Him though?
2022 05 22 Our Lay-Led service, with Helen Cain giving her reflection in the second in our series based on the elements of creation. Helen’s topic is “Water”
2022 05 15 Mark Robinson. Jesus’ commandment to “Love one another”
2022 05 08 Rev. Dr. Simon Topping. Communion Service for 4th Sunday in Easter

2022 04 24 Our Lay-Led service, with Teresa Merriman giving her reflection in the first of a new four-part series based on the elements of creation. Teresa’s topic is “Fire”
2022 03 27 Our Lay-Led service, with Margaret Hatherell giving her reflection on her time spent at the Lee Abbey Christian retreat
2022 03 20 Cathy Edge “Caring for God’s Creation”
2022 02 27 Our Lay-Led service with Tony Knight’s reflection on The Sword of the Spirit and a summation of each piece of The Armour of God (apologies for variable sound quality; I had to use my iPhone backup recording!)
2022 01 23 Our Lay-Led service with a reflection on The Helmet of Salvation by Diane Evans
2022 01 09 Our Annual Covenant Service, with Communion, by Rev. Dr. Simon Topping

2021 12 19 Our Local arrangement Carol Service, prepared by Senior steward Michael Rumsey. Apologies for poor audio quality at the beginning! (skip to 2’40” to avoid)

2021 12 12 Rev. Dr. Simon Topping 3rd Sunday in Advent with Communion
2021 11 28 Lay led service with reflection by Bronwyn Oborne on The Shield of Faith
2020 03 08 Rev. Elizabeth Kirova – What a Saviour we have!
2020 03 01 Rev. Josette Crane – The Beauty of Creation
2020 02 18 Mark Robinson – Power in Presence
2020 01 26 Pat Heynes – What is Church?
2020 01 07 Rev. Dr. Edmund Marshall – The Star of Christmas
2019 12 09 Rev. Elizabeth Kirova – Where are YOUR roots?
2019 12 09 Mike Honey – Zaccheus and Jesus
2019 12 09 Kathy Dymond – Advent Hopes
2019 10 27 Michael Lowe – Faith in a Great God
2019 10 17 Rev. Ian Souter – Are we on the way?
2019 10 07 Rev. Josette Crane – God’s abundant love
2019 10 05 Rev. Ray Lansley – Why must we suffer?
2019 06 16 Rev. Elizabeth Kirova – Trinity Sunday Service
2017 05 29 Michael Jakins – Going Up, is that all?
2017 05 23 Rev. Philip Turner – He will give you another Advocate
2017 05 19 Sarah Knebel – Building bridges, removing barriers
2017 05 19 Rev. Elizabeth Kirova – Jesus the good shepherd
2017 05 03 Ian Withers and Mark Robinson – Staying transformed
2017 05 02 Rita Biddulph – The trees shall clap their hands
(Rita’s last sermon before her death, and her tribute to our great friend Pam Bradley)
2017 05 02 Rev. Jan Tate – The many names of God
2017 03 12 Greville Mills – The wilderness trials
2017 03 05 Rev. Elizabeth Kirova – The travelling people
2017 02 27 Paul Trembling – A way out
2017 02 24 Rev. Michael White – Being what God wants us to be
2017 02 03 Nick Tthompson – 2017: The year of the Lord’s favour
2017 01 25 Rev. Elizabeth Kirova – Covenant service
2017 01 16 Rita Biddulph – The man who came by night
2017 01 10 Steve Beck – Guided by God